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Part 11. Special Proceedings—Pretrial Motions in Class 1 Felony Cases Alleging that a Defendant is a Mentally Retarded Defendant

§ 18–1.3–1101. Definitions

As used in this part 11:
(1) “Defendant” means any person charged with a class 1 felony.
(2) “Mentally retarded defendant or defendant with an intellectual and developmental disability” means any defendant with significantly subaverage general intellectual functioning existing concurrently with substantial deficits in adaptive behavior and manifested and documented during the developmental period. The requirement for documentation may be excused by the court upon a finding that extraordinary circumstances exist.

§ 18–1.3–1102. Pretrial Motion by Defendant in Class 1 Felony Case—Determination Whether Defendant is Mentally Retarded or Has an Intellectual and Developmental Disability—Procedure

(1) Any defendant may file a motion with the trial court in which the defendant may allege that such defendant is a mentally retarded defendant or a defendant with an intellectual and developmental disability. The motion must be filed at least ninety-one days prior to trial.
(2) The court shall hold a hearing upon any motion filed pursuant to subsection (1) of this section and shall make a determination regarding the motion no later than fourteen days prior to trial. At such hearing, the defendant must be permitted to present evidence with regard to the motion and the prosecution must be permitted to offer evidence in rebuttal. The defendant has the burden of proof to show by clear and convincing evidence that he or she is mentally retarded or has an intellectual and developmental disability.
(3) The court shall enter specific findings of fact and conclusions of law regarding whether or not the defendant is a mentally retarded defendant or a defendant with an intellectual and developmental disability, as defined in section 18-1.3-1101.

§ 18–1.3–1103. Mentally Retarded Defendant or Defendant with an Intellectual and Developmental Disability—Death Penalty Not Imposed

A sentence of death shall not be imposed upon any defendant who is determined to be a mentally retarded defendant or a defendant with an intellectual and developmental disability pursuant to section 18-1.3-1102. If any person who is determined to be a mentally retarded defendant or a defendant with an intellectual and developmental disability is found guilty of a class 1 felony, such defendant shall be sentenced to life imprisonment.

§ 18–1.3–1104. Evaluation and Report

(1) When the defendant files a motion alleging that the defendant is a mentally retarded defendant or a defendant with an intellectual and developmental disability, the court shall order one or more evaluations of the defendant with regard to such motion.
(2) In ordering an evaluation of the defendant pursuant to subsection (1) of this section, the court shall specify the place where the evaluation is to be conducted and the period of time allocated for the evaluation. In determining the place where the evaluation is to be conducted, the court shall give priority to the place where the defendant is in custody, unless the nature and circumstances of the evaluation requires designation of a different location. The court shall direct one or more psychologists who are recommended by the executive director of the department of health care policy and financing pursuant to section 25.5-10-239, C.R.S., or his or her designee, to evaluate the defendant. For good cause shown, upon motion of the prosecution or the defendant or upon the court's own motion, the court may order such further or other evaluation as it deems necessary. Nothing in this section shall abridge the right of the defendant to procure an evaluation as provided in section 18-1.3-1105.
(3) The defendant has a privilege against self-incrimination that may be invoked prior to or during the course of an evaluation pursuant to this section. A defendant's failure to cooperate with the evaluators or other personnel conducting the evaluation may be admissible in the defendant's hearing concerning mental retardation or the presence of an intellectual and developmental disability.
(4) To aid in the formation of an opinion as to mental retardation or the presence of an intellectual and developmental disability, it is permissible in the course of an evaluation conducted pursuant to this section to use statements made by the defendant and any other evidence, including but not limited to the circumstances surrounding the commission of the offense as well as the defendant's medical and social history, in evaluating the defendant.
(5) A written report of the evaluation shall be prepared in triplicate and delivered to the appropriate clerk of the court. The clerk shall furnish a copy of the report to both the prosecuting attorney and the counsel for the defendant.
(6) The report of evaluation must include, but is not limited to:
(a) The name of each expert who evaluated the defendant;
(b) A description of the nature, content, extent, and results of the evaluation and any tests conducted; and
(c) Diagnosis and an opinion as to whether the defendant is mentally retarded or has an intellectual and developmental disability.
(7) Nothing in this section shall be construed to preclude the application of section 16-8-109, C.R.S.

§ 18–1.3–1105. Evaluation at Insistence of Defendant

(1) If the defendant wishes to be evaluated by an expert of the defendant's choice in mental retardation or intellectual and developmental disabilities in connection with the mental retardation or intellectual and developmental disability hearing pursuant to this part 11, the court, upon timely motion, shall order that the evaluator chosen by the defendant be given reasonable opportunity to conduct the evaluation.
(2) Whenever an expert is endorsed as a witness by the defendant, a copy of any report of an evaluation of the defendant shall be furnished to the prosecution within a reasonable time but not less than thirty-five days prior to the mental retardation or intellectual and developmental disability hearing.

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