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Article 14. Hotel Facility Rates: Posting - Notice

§ 18-14-101. Definitions

“Hotel facility” means an establishment engaged in the business of furnishing overnight room accommodations primarily for transient persons.

§ 18-14-102. Accommodations and rates posted

(1) There shall be displayed at each hotel facility in its office or place of guest registration, in a conspicuous place, a sign which includes, in letters and figures of the same size and prominence, the following information: The number of apartments, rooms, or units in the hotel facility and the rates charged for each; whether the rates quoted are for single or multiple occupancy where such fact affects the rates charged; and the dates during which rates are in effect.
(2) There shall be posted in a plainly legible fashion, in a conspicuous place in, or at, each room, unit, and apartment of every hotel facility, the rates at which such room or apartment is rented. Such posting shall be in the form of a sign showing the maximum amount charged for occupancy and the maximum amount per person if the rate varies with the number of occupants. The sign shall also show the amount charged for extra conveniences, more complete accommodations, or additional furnishings and shall show the dates during the year when such charges prevail.

§ 18-14-103. Advertising prohibited - when

(1) No person shall display or cause to be displayed any sign which may be seen from a public highway or street, which sign includes in dollars and cents a statement relating to the rates charged at a hotel facility unless accommodations are available at the rates quoted at all times such sign is posted.
(2) No person shall publish or cause to be published an advertisement which includes in dollars and cents a statement relating to rates charged at a hotel facility unless such advertisement includes in letters or figures of similar size and prominence: The number of apartments or rooms in said hotel facility at the published rates; whether the rates quoted are for single or multiple occupancy where such fact affects the rates charged; the dates during which such rates are in effect; and an indication as to whether there are other rates in effect in said hotel facility. Advertisements or listings in guides or directories which are published by nonprofit hotel, motel, motor court, or apartment organizations or similar associations are excepted from this subsection (2).
(3) There shall not be published or displayed any sign with regard to any hotel facility which may be seen from a public highway or street and which contains any advertisement that contains false or misleading statements as to any matter whatsoever.

§ 18-14-104. Violations - penalty

[This version of this section is effective until March 1, 2022.] Any owner, agent, lessee, or manager of any hotel facility who violates, or causes to be violated, any of the provisions of this article commits a class 1 petty offense. [This version of this section is effective March 1, 2022.] Any owner, agent, lessee, or manager of any hotel facility who violates, or causes to be violated, any of the provisions of this article 14 commits a civil infraction.

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