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Part 2. Criminal Conspiracy

§ 18–2–201. Conspiracy

(1) A person commits conspiracy to commit a crime if, with the intent to promote or facilitate its commission, he agrees with another person or persons that they, or one or more of them, will engage in conduct which constitutes a crime or an attempt to commit a crime, or he agrees to aid the other person or persons in the planning or commission of a crime or of an attempt to commit such crime.
(2) No person may be convicted of conspiracy to commit a crime, unless an overt act in pursuance of that conspiracy is proved to have been done by him or by a person with whom he conspired.
(3) If a person knows that one with whom he conspires to commit a crime has conspired with another person or persons to commit the same crime, he is guilty of conspiring to commit a crime with the other person or persons, whether or not he knows their identity.
(4) If a person conspires to commit a number of crimes, he is guilty of only one conspiracy so long as such multiple crimes are part of a single criminal episode.
(4.5) Conspiracy to commit any crime for which a court is required to sentence a defendant for a crime of violence in accordance with section 18-1.3-406 is itself a crime of violence for the purposes of that section.
<Text of (5) effective until March 1, 2022>
(5) If a person conspires to commit a felony which is defined by any statute other than one contained in this title and for which conspiracy no penalty is specifically provided, he is guilty of a class 6 felony. If a person conspires to commit a misdemeanor which is defined by any statute other than one contained in this title and for which conspiracy no penalty is specifically provided, he is guilty of a class 3 misdemeanor.
<Text of (5) effective March 1, 2022>
(5) If a person conspires to commit a felony which is defined by any statute other than one contained in this title and for which conspiracy no penalty is specifically provided, the person commits a class 6 felony. If a person conspires to commit a misdemeanor which is defined by any statute other than one contained in this title and for which conspiracy no penalty is specifically provided, the person commits a class 2 misdemeanor.

§ 18–2–202. Joinder and Venue in Conspiracy Prosecutions

(1) Subject to the provisions of subsection (2) of this section, two or more persons charged with criminal conspiracy may be prosecuted jointly if:
(a) They are charged with conspiring with one another; or
(b) They are charged with being involved in conspiracies that are so related as to constitute different aspects of a scheme of organized criminal conduct. In such case it is immaterial that the persons charged are not parties to the same conspiracy.
(2) In any joint prosecution under subsection (1) of this section:
(a) No defendant shall be charged with a conspiracy in any judicial district other than one in which he entered into the conspiracy or in which an overt act pursuant to such conspiracy was done by him or by a person with whom he conspired; and
(b) Neither the liability of any defendant nor the admissibility against him of evidence of acts or declarations of another shall be enlarged by this joinder; and
(c) The court shall order a severance or take a special verdict as to any defendant who so requests, if it deems it necessary or appropriate to promote the fair determination of his guilt or innocence.

§ 18–2–203. Renunciation of Criminal Purpose

It is an affirmative defense to a charge of conspiracy that the offender, after conspiring to commit a crime, thwarted the success of the conspiracy, under circumstances manifesting a complete and voluntary renunciation of his criminal intent.

§ 18–2–204. Duration of Conspiracy

(1) Conspiracy is a continuing course of conduct which terminates when the crime or crimes which are its object are committed or the agreement that they be committed is abandoned by the defendant and by those with whom he conspired.
(2) Abandonment is presumed if neither the defendant nor anyone with whom he conspired does any overt act in pursuance of the conspiracy during the applicable period of limitation.
(3) If an individual abandons the agreement, the conspiracy is terminated as to him only if and when he gives timely notice to those with whom he conspired of his abandonment and the notice is evidenced by circumstances corroborating the giving of the same, or he informs the law enforcement authorities, having jurisdiction, of the existence of the conspiracy and of his participation therein.

§ 18–2–205. Incapacity, Irresponsibility, or Immunity of Party to Conspiracy

(1) It is immaterial to the liability of a person who conspires with another to commit a crime that:
(a) He or the person with whom he conspires does not occupy a particular position or have a particular characteristic which is an element of the crime, if he believes that one of them does; or
(b) The person with whom he conspires is irresponsible or has an immunity to prosecution or conviction for the commission of the crime.

§ 18–2–206. Penalties for Criminal Conspiracy—when Convictions Barred

(1) Conspiracy to commit a class 1 felony is a class 2 felony; conspiracy to commit a class 2 felony is a class 3 felony; conspiracy to commit a class 3 felony is a class 4 felony; conspiracy to commit a class 4 felony is a class 5 felony; conspiracy to commit a class 5 or 6 felony is a class 6 felony.
(2) A person may not be convicted of conspiracy to commit an offense if he is acquitted of the offense which is the object of the conspiracy where the sole evidence of conspiracy is the evidence establishing the commission of the offense which is the object of the conspiracy.
(3) If the particular conduct charged to constitute a criminal conspiracy is so inherently unlikely to result or culminate in the commission of a crime that neither that conduct nor the offender presents a public danger warranting the grading of the offense under this section, the court may enter judgment and impose sentence for a crime of a lesser class or, in extreme cases, may dismiss the prosecution.
<Text of (4) effective until March 1, 2022>
(4) Conspiracy to commit a class 1 misdemeanor is a class 2 misdemeanor.
<Text of (4) effective March 1, 2022>
(4) Conspiracy to commit a class 1 misdemeanor or class 2 misdemeanor is a class 2 misdemeanor.
<Text of (5) effective until March 1, 2022>
(5) Conspiracy to commit a misdemeanor other than a class 1 misdemeanor is a class 3 misdemeanor.
<Text of (5) effective March 1, 2022>
(5) Repealed by Laws 2021, Ch. 462, § 192, eff. March 1, 2022.
(6) Conspiracy to commit a petty offense is a crime of the same class as the offense itself.
(7)(a) Except as otherwise provided by law, conspiracy to commit a level 1 drug felony is a level 2 drug felony; conspiracy to commit a level 2 drug felony is a level 3 drug felony; conspiracy to commit a level 3 drug felony is a level 4 drug felony; and conspiracy to commit a level 4 drug felony is a level 4 drug felony.
(b) Except as otherwise provided by law, conspiracy to commit a level 1 drug misdemeanor is a level 2 drug misdemeanor; and conspiracy to commit a level 2 drug misdemeanor is a level 2 drug misdemeanor.

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