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Part 1. Arson

§ 18-4-101. Definitions

As used in this article, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) “Building” means a structure which has the capacity to contain, and is designed for the shelter of, man, animals, or property, and includes a ship, trailer, sleeping car, airplane, or other vehicle or place adapted for overnight accommodations of persons or animals, or for carrying on of business therein, whether or not a person or animal is actually present.
(2) “Occupied structure” means any area, place, facility, or enclosure which, for particular purposes, may be used by persons or animals upon occasion, whether or not included within the definition of “building” in subsection (1) of this section, and which is in fact occupied by a person or animal, and known by the defendant to be thus occupied at the time he acts in violation of one or more of sections 18-4-102 to 18-4-105.
(3) Property is that of “another” if anyone other than the defendant has a possessory or proprietary interest therein.
(4) If a building is divided into units for separate occupancy, any unit not occupied by the defendant is a “building of another”.

§ 18-4-102. First degree arson

(1) A person who knowingly sets fire to, burns, causes to be burned, or by the use of any explosive damages or destroys, or causes to be damaged or destroyed, any building or occupied structure of another without his consent commits first degree arson.
(2) First degree arson is a class 3 felony.
(3) A defendant convicted of committing first degree arson by the use of any explosive shall be sentenced by the court in accordance with the provisions of section 18-1.3-406.

§ 18-4-103. Second degree arson

(1) A person who knowingly sets fire to, burns, causes to be burned, or by the use of any explosive damages or destroys, or causes to be damaged or destroyed, any property of another without his consent, other than a building or occupied structure, commits second degree arson.
(2) Second degree arson is a class 4 felony, if the damage is one hundred dollars or more.
(3) Second degree arson is a class 2 misdemeanor, if the damage is less than one hundred dollars.

§ 18-4-104. Third degree arson

(1) A person who, by means of fire or explosives, intentionally damages any property with intent to defraud commits third degree arson.
(2) Third degree arson is a class 4 felony.

§ 18-4-105. Fourth degree arson

(1) A person who knowingly or recklessly starts or maintains a fire or causes an explosion, on his own property or that of another, and by so doing places another in danger of death or serious bodily injury or places any building or occupied structure of another in danger of damage commits fourth degree arson.
(2) Fourth degree arson is a class 4 felony if a person is thus endangered.
(3) Fourth degree arson is a class 2 misdemeanor if only property is thus endangered and the value of the property is one hundred dollars or more.
(4) Fourth degree arson is a class 3 misdemeanor if only property is thus endangered and the value of the property is less than one hundred dollars.
(5) It shall not be an arson offense pursuant to this section if:
(a) A person starts and maintains a fire as a controlled agricultural burn in a reasonably cautious manner; and
(b) No person suffers any of the following as a result of the fire:
(I) Bodily injury;
(II) Serious bodily injury; or
(III) Death.
(6) For purposes of this section, “controlled agricultural burn” means a technique used in farming to clear the land of any existing crop residue, kill weeds and weed seeds, or reduce fuel buildup and decrease the likelihood of a future fire.

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