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Part 8. Domestic Violence

§ 18-6-800.3. Definitions

As used in this part 8, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) “Domestic violence” means an act or threatened act of violence upon a person with whom the actor is or has been involved in an intimate relationship. “Domestic violence” also includes any other crime against a person, or against property, including an animal, or any municipal ordinance violation against a person, or against property, including an animal, when used as a method of coercion, control, punishment, intimidation, or revenge directed against a person with whom the actor is or has been involved in an intimate relationship.
(2) “Intimate relationship” means a relationship between spouses, former spouses, past or present unmarried couples, or persons who are both the parents of the same child regardless of whether the persons have been married or have lived together at any time.

§ 18-6-801. Domestic violence - sentencing

(a) In addition to any sentence that is imposed upon a person for violation of any criminal law under this title, any person who is convicted of any crime, the underlying factual basis of which has been found by the court on the record to include an act of domestic violence, as defined in section 18-6-800.3 (1), or any crime against property, whether or not such crime is a felony, when such crime is used as a method of coercion, control, punishment, intimidation, or revenge directed against a person with whom the actor is or has been involved in an intimate relationship shall be ordered to complete a treatment program and a treatment evaluation that conform with the standards adopted by the domestic violence offender management board as required by section 16-11.8-103 (4), C.R.S. If an intake evaluation conducted by an approved treatment program provider discloses that sentencing to a treatment program would be inappropriate, the person shall be referred back to the court for alternative disposition.
(b) The court may order a treatment evaluation to be conducted prior to sentencing if a treatment evaluation would assist the court in determining an appropriate sentence. The person ordered to undergo such evaluation shall be required to pay the cost of the treatment evaluation. If such treatment evaluation recommends treatment, and if the court so finds, the person shall be ordered to complete a treatment program that conforms with the standards adopted by the domestic violence offender management board as required by section 16-11.8-103 (4), C.R.S.
(c) Nothing in this subsection (1) shall preclude the court from ordering domestic violence treatment in any appropriate case.
(2) Subsection (1) of this section shall not apply to persons sentenced to the department of corrections.
(3) A person charged with the commission of a crime, the underlying factual basis of which includes an act of domestic violence as defined in section 18-6-800.3 (1), shall not be entitled to plead guilty or plead nolo contendere to an offense which does not include the domestic violence designation required in section 16-21-103, C.R.S., unless the prosecuting attorney makes a good faith representation on the record that such attorney would not be able to establish a prima facie case that the person and the alleged victim were currently or formerly involved in an intimate relationship if the defendant were brought to trial on the original domestic violence offense and upon such a finding by the court. The prosecuting attorney’s record and the court’s findings shall specify the relationship in the alleged domestic violence case which the prosecuting attorney is not able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt and the reasons therefor. No court shall accept a plea of guilty or nolo contendere to an offense which does not include the domestic violence designation required in section 16-21-103, C.R.S., when the facts of the case indicate that the underlying factual basis includes an act of domestic violence as defined in section 18-6-800.3 (1) unless there is a good faith representation by the prosecuting attorney that he or she would be unable to establish a prima facie case if the defendant were brought to trial on the original offense.
(4) No person accused or convicted of a crime, the underlying factual basis of which has been found by the court on the record to include an act of domestic violence, as defined in section 18-6-800.3 (1), shall be eligible for home detention in the home of the victim pursuant to section 18-1.3-105 or 18-1.3-106. Nothing in this subsection (4) is intended to prohibit a court from ordering a deferred sentence for a person accused or convicted of a crime, the underlying factual basis of which has been found by the court on the record to include an act of domestic violence, as defined in section 18-6-800.3 (1).
(5) Before granting probation, the court shall consider the safety of the victim and the victim’s children if probation is granted.
(6) Nothing in this section shall preclude the ability of a municipality to enact concurrent ordinances.
(a) Any misdemeanor offense that includes an act of domestic violence is a class 5 felony if the defendant at the time of sentencing has been previously convicted of three or more prior offenses that included an act of domestic violence and that were separately brought and tried and arising out of separate criminal episodes.
(b) The prior convictions must be set forth in apt words in the indictment or information. For the purposes of this section, “conviction” includes any federal, state, or municipal conviction for a felony, misdemeanor, or municipal ordinance violation.
(c) Trials in cases alleging that the defendant is an habitual domestic violence offender pursuant to this subsection (7) must be conducted in accordance with the rules of criminal procedure for felonies. The trier of fact shall determine whether an offense charged includes an act of domestic violence.
(d) Following a conviction for an offense which underlying factual basis includes an act of domestic violence:
(I) If any prior conviction included a determination by a jury or was admitted by the defendant that the offense included an act of domestic violence, the court shall proceed to sentencing without further findings as to that prior conviction by the jury or by the court, if no jury trial is had;
(II) For any prior conviction in which the factual basis was found by the court to include an act of domestic violence, but did not include a finding of domestic violence by a jury or that was not admitted by the defendant, the trial court shall proceed to a sentencing stage of the proceedings. The prosecution shall present evidence to the trier of fact that the prior conviction included an act of domestic violence. The prosecution has the burden of proof beyond a reasonable doubt.
(III) At the sentencing stage, the following applies:
(A) A finding of domestic violence made by a court at the time of the prior conviction constitutes prima facie evidence that the crime involved domestic violence;
(B) Evidence of the prior conviction is admissible through the use of certified documents under seal, or the court may take judicial notice of a prior conviction;
(C) Evidence admitted in the guilt stage of the trial, including testimony of the defendant and other acts admitted pursuant to section 18-6-801.5, may be considered by the finder of fact.
(a) Sentencing requirements. In addition to any sentence that is imposed upon a defendant for violation of any criminal law under this title 18, if a defendant is convicted of any crime, the underlying factual basis of which is found by the court on the record to be a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence, as defined in 18 U.S.C. sec. 921 (a)(33), or that is punishable by a term of imprisonment exceeding one year and includes an act of domestic violence, as defined in section 18-6-800.3 (1), the court:
(I) Shall order the defendant to:
(A) Refrain from possessing or purchasing any firearm or ammunition until the defendant’s sentence is satisfied; and
(B) Relinquish any firearm or ammunition in the defendant’s immediate possession or control or subject to the defendant’s immediate possession or control; and
(II) May require that before the defendant is released from custody on bond, the defendant relinquish any firearm or ammunition in the defendant’s immediate possession or control or subject to the defendant’s immediate possession or control; and
(III) Shall schedule a compliance hearing pursuant to subsection (8)(e) of this section and notify the defendant of the hearing date and that the defendant shall appear at the hearing in person unless the hearing is vacated pursuant to subsection (8)(e)(I) of this section.
(b) Time period to relinquish. The defendant shall relinquish, in accordance with subsection (8)(d) of this section, any firearm or ammunition not more than twenty-four hours, excluding legal holidays and weekends, after sentencing; except that a court may allow a defendant up to an additional twenty-four hours to relinquish a firearm if the defendant demonstrates to the satisfaction of the court that the defendant is unable to comply within the time frame set forth in this subsection (8)(b).
(c) Additional time to comply if defendant is in custody. If a defendant is unable to satisfy the provisions of this subsection (8) because the defendant is incarcerated or otherwise held in the custody of a law enforcement agency, the court shall require the defendant to satisfy the provisions not more than twenty-four hours, excluding legal holidays and weekends, after the defendant’s release from incarceration or custody or be held in contempt of court. Notwithstanding any provision of this subsection (8)(c), the court may, in its discretion, require the defendant to relinquish any firearm or ammunition in the defendant’s immediate possession or control or subject to the defendant’s immediate possession or control before the end of the defendant’s incarceration. In such a case, a defendant’s failure to relinquish a firearm or ammunition as required constitutes contempt of court.
(d) Relinquishment options. To satisfy the requirement in subsection (8)(b) of this section, the defendant shall either:
(I) [Formerly 18-6-801 (8)(b)(I)] Sell or transfer possession of the firearm or ammunition to a federally licensed firearms dealer described in 18 U.S.C. sec. 923, as amended; except that this provision must not be interpreted to require any federally licensed firearms dealer to purchase or accept possession of any firearm or ammunition; or
(II) [Formerly 18-6-801 (8)(b)(II)] Arrange for the storage of the firearm or ammunition by a law enforcement agency or by a storage facility with which the law enforcement agency has contracted for the storage of transferred firearms or ammunition, pursuant to subsection (8)(g) of this section; except that this provision must not be interpreted to require any law enforcement agency to provide storage of firearms or ammunition for any person; or
(III) [Formerly 18-6-801 (8)(b)(III)] Sell or otherwise transfer the firearm or ammunition to a private party who may legally possess the firearm or ammunition; except that a defendant who sells or transfers a firearm pursuant to this subsection (8)(d)(III) shall satisfy all of the provisions of section 18-12-112 concerning private firearms transfers, including but not limited to the performance of a criminal background check of the transferee.
(e) Compliance hearing and affidavit.
(I) The court shall conduct a compliance hearing not less than eight but not more than twelve business days after sentencing to ensure the defendant has complied with subsection (8)(e)(II) of this section. The court may vacate the hearing if the court determines the defendant has completed the affidavit described in subsection (8)(e)(II) of this section. Failure to appear at a hearing described in this subsection (8)(e)(I) constitutes contempt of court.
(II) The defendant shall complete an affidavit, which must be filed in the court record within seven business days after sentencing, stating the number of firearms in the defendant’s immediate possession or control or subject to the defendant’s immediate possession or control, the make and model of each firearm, any reason the defendant is still in immediate possession or control of such firearm, and the location of each firearm. If the defendant does not possess a firearm at the time of sentencing, the defendant shall indicate such nonpossession in the affidavit.
(III) If the defendant possessed a firearm at the time of the qualifying incident giving rise to the duty to relinquish the firearm pursuant to this section but transferred or sold the firearm to a private party prior to sentencing, the defendant shall disclose the sale or transfer of the firearm to the private party in the affidavit described in subsection (8)(e)(II) of this section. The defendant, within seven business days after sentencing, shall acquire a written receipt and signed declaration that complies with subsection (8)(h)(I)(A) of this section, and the defendant shall file the signed declaration at the same time the defendant files the affidavit pursuant to subsection (8)(e)(II) of this section.
(IV) The state court administrator shall develop the affidavit described in subsection (8)(e)(II) of this section and all other forms necessary to implement this subsection (8) no later than January 1, 2022. State courts may use the forms developed by the state court administrator pursuant to this subsection (8)(e) or another form of the court’s choosing, so long as the forms comply with the requirements of this subsection (8)(e).
(V) Upon the sworn statement or testimony of the petitioner or of any law enforcement officer alleging there is probable cause to believe the respondent has failed to comply with the provisions of this section, the court shall determine whether probable cause exists to believe that the respondent has failed to relinquish all firearms or a concealed carry permit in the respondent’s custody, control, or possession. If probable cause exists, the court shall issue a search warrant that states with particularity the places to be searched and the items to be taken into custody.
(f) Relinquishment to a federally licensed firearms dealer. A federally licensed firearms dealer who takes possession of a firearm or ammunition pursuant to this subsection (8) shall issue a written receipt and signed declaration to the defendant at the time of relinquishment. The declaration must memorialize the sale or transfer of the firearm. The federally licensed firearms dealer shall not return the firearm or ammunition to the defendant unless the dealer:
(I) Contacts the Colorado bureau of investigation, referred to in this subsection (8) as the “bureau”, to request that a criminal background check of the defendant be performed; and
(II) Obtains approval of the transfer from the bureau after the performance of the criminal background check.
(g) Storage by a law enforcement agency or storage facility.
(I) A local law enforcement agency may elect to store firearms or ammunition for a defendant pursuant to this subsection (8). The law enforcement agency may enter into an agreement with any other law enforcement agency or storage facility for the storage of transferred firearms or ammunition. If a law enforcement agency elects to store firearms or ammunition for a defendant:
(A) The law enforcement agency may charge a fee for the storage, the amount of which must not exceed the direct and indirect costs incurred by the law enforcement agency in providing the storage;
(B) The law enforcement agency shall establish policies for disposal of abandoned or stolen firearms or ammunition; and
(C) The law enforcement agency shall issue a written receipt and signed declaration to the defendant at the time of relinquishment. The declaration must memorialize the sale or transfer of the firearm.
(II) If a local law enforcement agency elects to store firearms or ammunition for a defendant pursuant to this subsection (8)(g), the law enforcement agency shall not return the firearm or ammunition to the defendant unless the law enforcement agency:
(A) Contacts the bureau to request that a criminal background check of the defendant be performed; and
(B) Obtains approval of the transfer from the bureau after the performance of the criminal background check.
(A) A law enforcement agency that elects to store a firearm or ammunition for a defendant pursuant to this subsection (8) may elect to cease storing the firearm or ammunition. A law enforcement agency that elects to cease storing a firearm or ammunition for a defendant shall notify the defendant of the decision and request that the defendant immediately make arrangements for the transfer of the possession of the firearm or ammunition to the defendant or, if the defendant is prohibited from possessing a firearm, to another person who is legally permitted to possess a firearm.
(B) If a law enforcement agency elects to cease storing a firearm or ammunition for a defendant and notifies the defendant as described in subsection (8)(g)(III)(A) of this section, the law enforcement agency may dispose of the firearm or ammunition if the defendant fails to make arrangements for the transfer of the firearm or ammunition and complete the transfer within ninety days after receiving the notification.
(IV) A law enforcement agency that elects to store a firearm or ammunition shall obtain a search warrant to examine or test the firearm or ammunition or facilitate a criminal investigation if a law enforcement agency has probable cause to believe the firearm or ammunition has been used in the commission of a crime, is stolen, or is contraband. This subsection (8)(g)(IV) does not preclude a law enforcement agency from conducting a routine inspection of the firearm or ammunition prior to accepting the firearm for storage.
(h) Relinquishment to a private party.
(I) If a defendant sells or otherwise transfers a firearm or ammunition to a private party who may legally possess the firearm or ammunition, as described in subsection (8)(d)(III) of this section, the defendant shall acquire:
(A) From the federally licensed firearms dealer, a written receipt and signed declaration memorializing the transfer, which receipt must be dated and signed by the defendant, the transferee, and the federally licensed firearms dealer; and
(B) From the federally licensed firearms dealer who requests from the bureau a criminal background check of the transferee, as described in section 18-12-112, a written statement of the results of the criminal background check.
(II) The defendant shall not transfer the firearm to a private party living in the same residence as the defendant at the time of the transfer.
(III) Notwithstanding section 18-12-112, if a private party elects to store a firearm for a defendant pursuant to this subsection (8), the private party shall not return the firearm to the defendant unless the private party acquires from the federally licensed firearms dealer, who requests from the bureau a criminal background check of the defendant, a written statement of the results of the criminal background check authorizing the return of the firearm to the defendant.
(i) Requirement to file signed declaration.
(I) The defendant shall file a copy of the signed declaration issued pursuant to subsection (8)(f), (8)(g)(I)(C), or (8)(h)(I)(A) of this section, and, if applicable, the written statement of the results of a criminal background check performed on the defendant, as described in subsection (8)(h)(I)(B) of this section, with the court as proof of the relinquishment at the same time the defendant files the signed affidavit pursuant to subsection (8)(e)(II) of this section. The signed declaration and written statement filed pursuant to this subsection (8)(i) are only available for inspection by the court and the parties to the proceeding. If a defendant fails to timely transfer or sell a firearm or file the signed declaration or written statement as described in this subsection (8)(i)(I):
(A) The failure constitutes a class 2 misdemeanor, and the defendant is punished as provided in section 18-1.3-501; and
(B) The court shall issue a warrant for the defendant’s arrest.
(II) In any subsequent prosecution for a violation of this subsection (8)(i), the court shall take judicial notice of the defendant’s failure to transfer or sell a firearm, or file the signed declaration or written statement, which constitutes prima facie evidence that the defendant has violated this subsection (8), and testimony of the clerk of the court or the clerk of the court’s deputy is not required.
(I) A law enforcement agency that elects in good faith to not store a firearm or ammunition for a defendant pursuant to subsection (8)(g) of this section is not criminally or civilly liable for such inaction.
(II) A law enforcement agency that returns possession of a firearm or ammunition to a defendant in good faith as permitted by subsection (8)(g) of this section is not criminally or civilly liable for such action.
(k) Immunity. A federally licensed firearms dealer, law enforcement agency, storage facility, or private party that elects to store a firearm pursuant to this subsection (8) is not civilly liable for any resulting damages to the firearm, as long as such damage did not result from the willful and wrongful act or gross negligence of the federally licensed firearms dealer, law enforcement agency, storage facility, or third party.

§ 18-6-801.5. Domestic violence - evidence of similar transactions

(1) The general assembly hereby finds that domestic violence is frequently cyclical in nature, involves patterns of abuse, and can consist of harm with escalating levels of seriousness. The general assembly therefore declares that evidence of similar transactions can be helpful and is necessary in some situations in prosecuting crimes involving domestic violence.
(2) In criminal prosecutions involving domestic violence in which the defendant and the victim named in the information have engaged in an intimate relationship as of the time alleged in the information, evidence of any other acts of domestic violence between the defendant and the victim named in the information, and between the defendant and other persons, constitute other acts or transactions for the purposes of this section, and the court may authorize the admission of evidence as provided in subsection (3) of this section.
(3) The proponent of evidence of other acts or transactions under this section shall advise the trial court by offer of proof of such evidence and shall specify whether the evidence is offered to show a common plan, scheme, design, identity, modus operandi, motive, or guilty knowledge or for some other purpose.
(4) Upon the offer of proof under subsection (3) of this section, the trial court shall determine whether the probative value of the evidence of similar acts or transactions is substantially outweighed by the danger of unfair prejudice to the defendant, confusion of the issues, or misleading of the jury if the evidence is allowed or by considerations of undue delay, waste of time, or needless presentation of cumulative evidence.
(5) Upon admitting evidence of other acts or transactions into evidence pursuant to this section and again in the general charge to the jury, the trial court shall direct the jury as to the limited purpose for which the evidence is admitted and for which the jury may consider it.

§ 18-6-801.6. Domestic violence - summons and complaint

Any person completing or preparing a summons, complaint, summons and complaint, indictment, information, or application for an arrest warrant shall indicate on the face of such document whether the facts forming the basis of the alleged criminal act, if proven, could constitute domestic violence as defined in section 18-6-800.3 (1).

§ 18-6-802. Domestic violence - local board - treatment programs - liability immunity - repeal. (Repealed)

Source: L. 88: Entire part added, p. 732, § 1, effective July 1. L. 89: (3)(a) amended, p. 910, § 3, effective April 4. L. 94: (1)(a) amended, p. 2656, § 140, effective July 1. L. 96: (2)(e) repealed, p. 1263, § 172, effective August 7. L. 2000: (4) added, p. 913, § 3, effective July 1.

§ 18-6-802.5. Domestic violence - treatment programs

Any defendant who is sentenced to a treatment program pursuant to section 18-6-801 or who is ordered to complete an evaluation pursuant to section 18-6-801 (1) shall pay for the evaluation and treatment programs on a sliding fee basis, as provided in the standardized procedures for the treatment evaluation of domestic violence offenders and the guidelines and standards for a system of programs for the treatment of domestic violence offenders adopted by the domestic violence offender management board pursuant to section 16-11.8-103, C.R.S.

§ 18-6-803. Commission - manual of standards for treatment of domestic violence perpetrators - repeal. (Repealed)

Source: L. 88: Entire part added, p. 733, § 1, effective July 1. L. 2000: (1) amended and (5) added, p. 913, § 4, effective July 1.

§ 18-6-803.5. Crime of violation of a protection order - penalty - peace officers’ duties - definitions (Effective October 1, 2021)

(1) A person commits the crime of violation of a protection order if, after the person has been personally served with a protection order that identifies the person as a restrained person or otherwise has acquired from the court or law enforcement personnel actual knowledge of the contents of a protection order that identifies the person as a restrained person, the person:
(a) Contacts, harasses, injures, intimidates, molests, threatens, or touches the protected person or protected property, including an animal, identified in the protection order or enters or remains on premises or comes within a specified distance of the protected person, protected property, including an animal, or premises or violates any other provision of the protection order to protect the protected person from imminent danger to life or health, and such conduct is prohibited by the protection order;
(b) Except as permitted pursuant to section 18-13-126 (1)(b), hires, employs, or otherwise contracts with another person to locate or assist in the location of the protected person; or
(c) Violates a civil protection order issued pursuant to section 13-14-105.5, C.R.S., or pursuant to section 18-1-1001 (9) by:
(I) Possessing or attempting to purchase or receive a firearm or ammunition while the protection order is in effect; or
(II) Failing to timely file a receipt or written statement with the court as described in section 13-14-105.5 (9), C.R.S., or in section 18-1-1001 (9)(i) or 18-6-801 (8)(i).
(1.5) As used in this section:
(a) “Protected person” means the person or persons identified in the protection order as the person or persons for whose benefit the protection order was issued.
(I) “Protection order” means any order that prohibits the restrained person from contacting, harassing, injuring, intimidating, molesting, threatening, or touching any protected person or protected animal, or from entering or remaining on premises, or from coming within a specified distance of a protected person or protected animal or premises or any other provision to protect the protected person or protected animal from imminent danger to life or health, that is issued by a court of this state or a municipal court, and that is issued pursuant to:
(A) Article 14 of title 13, section 18-1-1001, section 19-2.5-607, section 19-4-111, or rule 365 of the Colorado rules of county court civil procedure;
(B) Sections 14-4-101 to 14-4-105, C.R.S., section 14-10-107, C.R.S., section 14-10-108, C.R.S., or section 19-3-316, C.R.S., as those sections existed prior to July 1, 2004;
(C) An order issued as part of the proceedings concerning a criminal municipal ordinance violation; or
(D) Any other order of a court that prohibits a person from contacting, harassing, injuring, intimidating, molesting, threatening, or touching any person, or from entering or remaining on premises, or from coming within a specified distance of a protected person or premises.
(II) For purposes of this section only, “protection order” includes any order that amends, modifies, supplements, or supersedes the initial protection order. “Protection order” also includes any restraining order entered prior to July 1, 2003, and any foreign protection order as defined in section 13-14-110, C.R.S.
(b) “Registry” means the computerized information system created in section 18-6-803.7 or the national crime information center created pursuant to 28 U.S.C. sec. 534.
(c) “Restrained person” means the person identified in the order as the person prohibited from doing the specified act or acts.
(d) (Deleted by amendment, L. 2003, p. 1003, § 6, effective July 1, 2003.)
(a) Violation of a protection order is a class 2 misdemeanor; except that, if the restrained person has previously been convicted of violating this section or a former version of this section or an analogous municipal ordinance, or if the protection order is issued pursuant to section 18-1-1001, the violation is a class 1 misdemeanor.
(a.5) A second or subsequent violation of a protection order is an extraordinary risk crime that is subject to the modified sentencing range specified in section 18-1.3-501 (3).
(b) (Deleted by amendment, L. 95, p. 567, 3, effective July 1, 1995.)
(c) Nothing in this section shall preclude the ability of a municipality to enact concurrent ordinances. Any sentence imposed for a violation of this section shall run consecutively and not concurrently with any sentence imposed for any crime which gave rise to the issuing of the protection order.
(a) Whenever a protection order is issued, the protected person shall be provided with a copy of such order. A peace officer shall use every reasonable means to enforce a protection order.
(b) A peace officer shall arrest, or, if an arrest would be impractical under the circumstances, seek a warrant for the arrest of a restrained person when the peace officer has information amounting to probable cause that:
(I) The restrained person has violated or attempted to violate any provision of a protection order; and
(II) The restrained person has been properly served with a copy of the protection order or the restrained person has received actual notice of the existence and substance of such order.
(c) In making the probable cause determination described in paragraph (b) of this subsection (3), a peace officer shall assume that the information received from the registry is accurate. A peace officer shall enforce a valid protection order whether or not there is a record of the protection order in the registry.
(d) The arrest and detention of a restrained person is governed by applicable constitutional and applicable state rules of criminal procedure. The arrested person shall be removed from the scene of the arrest and shall be taken to the peace officer’s station for booking, whereupon the arrested person may be held or released in accordance with the adopted bonding schedules for the jurisdiction in which the arrest is made, or the arrested person may be taken to the jail in the county where the protection order was issued. The law enforcement agency or any other locally designated agency shall make all reasonable efforts to contact the protected party upon the arrest of the restrained person. The prosecuting attorney shall present any available arrest affidavits and the criminal history of the restrained person to the court at the time of the first appearance of the restrained person before the court.
(e) The arresting agency arresting the restrained person shall forward to the issuing court a copy of such agency’s report, a list of witnesses to the violation, and, if applicable, a list of any charges filed or requested against the restrained person. The agency shall give a copy of the agency’s report, witness list, and charging list to the protected party. The agency shall delete the address and telephone number of a witness from the list sent to the court upon request of such witness, and such address and telephone number shall not thereafter be made available to any person, except law enforcement officials and the prosecuting agency, without order of the court.
(4) If a restrained person is on bond in connection with a violation or attempted violation of a protection order in this or any other state and is subsequently arrested for violating or attempting to violate a protection order, the arresting agency shall notify the prosecuting attorney who shall file a motion with the court which issued the prior bond for the revocation of the bond and for the issuance of a warrant for the arrest of the restrained person if such court is satisfied that probable cause exists to believe that a violation of the protection order issued by the court has occurred.
(5) A peace officer arresting a person for violating a protection order or otherwise enforcing a protection order shall not be held criminally or civilly liable for such arrest or enforcement unless the peace officer acts in bad faith and with malice or does not act in compliance with rules adopted by the Colorado supreme court.
(a) A peace officer is authorized to use every reasonable means to protect the alleged victim or the alleged victim’s children to prevent further violence. Such peace officer may transport, or obtain transportation for, the alleged victim to shelter. Upon the request of the protected person, the peace officer may also transport the minor child of the protected person, who is not an emancipated minor, to the same shelter if such shelter is willing to accept the child, whether or not there is a custody order or an order allocating parental responsibilities with respect to such child or an order for the care and control of the child and whether or not the other parent objects. A peace officer who transports a minor child over the objection of the other parent shall not be held liable for any damages that may result from interference with the custody, parental responsibilities, care, and control of or access to a minor child in complying with this subsection (6).
(b) For purposes of this subsection (6), “shelter” means a battered women’s shelter, a friend’s or family member’s home, or such other safe haven as may be designated by the protected person and which is within a reasonable distance from the location at which the peace officer found the victim.
(7) The protection order shall contain in capital letters and bold print a notice informing the protected person that such protected person may either initiate contempt proceedings against the restrained person if the order is issued in a civil action or request the prosecuting attorney to initiate contempt proceedings if the order is issued in a criminal action.
(8) A protection order issued in the state of Colorado shall contain a statement that:
(a) The order or injunction shall be accorded full faith and credit and be enforced in every civil or criminal court of the United States, another state, an Indian tribe, or a United States territory pursuant to 18 U.S.C. sec. 2265;
(b) The issuing court had jurisdiction over the parties and subject matter; and
(c) The defendant was given reasonable notice and opportunity to be heard.
(9) A criminal action charged pursuant to this section may be tried either in the county where the offense is committed or in the county in which the court that issued the protection order is located, if such court is within this state.

§ 18-6-803.6. Duties of peace officers and prosecuting agencies - preservation of evidence

(1) When a peace officer determines that there is probable cause to believe that a crime or offense involving domestic violence, as defined in section 18-6-800.3 (1), has been committed, the officer shall, without undue delay, arrest the person suspected of its commission pursuant to the provisions in subsection (2) of this section, if applicable, and charge the person with the appropriate crime or offense. Nothing in this subsection (1) shall be construed to require a peace officer to arrest both parties involved in an alleged act of domestic violence when both claim to have been victims of such domestic violence. Additionally, nothing in this subsection (1) shall be construed to require a peace officer to arrest either party involved in an alleged act of domestic violence when a peace officer determines there is no probable cause to believe that a crime or offense of domestic violence has been committed. The arrested person shall be removed from the scene of the arrest and shall be taken to the peace officer’s station for booking, whereupon the arrested person may be held or released in accordance with the adopted bonding schedules for the jurisdiction in which the arrest is made.
(2) If a peace officer receives complaints of domestic violence from two or more opposing persons, the officer shall evaluate each complaint separately to determine if a crime has been committed by one or more persons. In determining whether a crime has been committed by one or more persons, the officer shall consider the following:
(a) Any prior complaints of domestic violence;
(b) The relative severity of the injuries inflicted on each person;
(c) The likelihood of future injury to each person; and
(d) The possibility that one of the persons acted in self-defense.
(a) A peace officer is authorized to use every reasonable means to protect the alleged victim or the alleged victim’s children to prevent further violence. Such peace officer may transport, or obtain transportation for, the alleged victim to shelter. Upon the request of the protected person, the peace officer may also transport the minor child of the protected person, who is not an emancipated minor, to the same shelter if such shelter is willing to accept the child, whether or not there is a custody order or an order for the care and control of the child or an order allocating parental responsibilities with respect to the child and whether or not the other parent objects. A peace officer who transports a minor child over the objection of the other parent shall not be held liable for any damages that may result from interference with the custody, parental responsibilities, care, and control of or access to a minor child in complying with this subsection (3).
(b) For purposes of this subsection (3), “shelter” means a battered women’s shelter, a friend’s or family member’s home, or such other safe haven as may be designated by the protected person and which is within a reasonable distance from the location at which the peace officer found the victim.
(a) The arresting agency shall make reasonable efforts to collect and preserve any pertinent evidence until the time of final disposition of the matter, including, but not limited to, the following:
(I) Any dispatch tape recording relating to the event;
(II) Any on-scene video or audio tape recordings;
(III) Any medical records of treatment of the alleged victim or the defendant; and
(IV) Any other relevant physical evidence or witness statements.
(b) However, in the absence of bad faith, any failure to collect or preserve any evidence listed in paragraph (a) of this subsection (4) shall not be grounds to dismiss the matter.
(4.5) When a peace officer responds to a call or is otherwise responding to a report about an alleged offense involving domestic violence, as defined in section 18-6-800.3 (1), or other domestic dispute, the officer shall include in his or her written or oral report concerning such incident whether children may have seen or heard the alleged offense; except that, in the absence of bad faith, the failure of a peace officer to note that a child may have seen or heard the alleged offense shall not be grounds to dismiss the matter.
(5) A peace officer shall not be held civilly or criminally liable for acting pursuant to this section if the peace officer acts in good faith and without malice.

§ 18-6-803.7. Central registry of protection orders - creation (Effective October 1, 2021)

(1) As used in this section:
(a) “Bureau” means the Colorado bureau of investigation.
(b) “Protected person” means the person or persons identified in the protection order as the person or persons for whose benefit the protection order was issued.
(I) “Protection order” means any order that prohibits the restrained person from contacting, harassing, injuring, intimidating, molesting, threatening, or touching any protected person, or from entering or remaining on premises, or from coming within a specified distance of a protected person or premises, that is issued by a court of this state or an authorized municipal court, and that is issued pursuant to:
(A) Article 14 of title 13, section 18-1-1001, section 19-2.5-607, section 19-4-111, or rule 365 of the Colorado rules of county court civil procedure;
(B) Sections 14-4-101 to 14-4-105, C.R.S., section 14-10-107, C.R.S., section 14-10-108, C.R.S., or section 19-3-316, C.R.S., as those sections existed prior to July 1, 2004; or
(C) An order issued as part of the proceedings concerning a criminal municipal ordinance violation.
(II) “Protection order” also includes any restraining order entered prior to July 1, 2003, and any foreign protection order as described in section 13-14-110, C.R.S.
(c) “Registry” means a computerized information system.
(d) “Restrained person” means the person identified in the order as the person prohibited from doing the specified act or acts.
(e) (Deleted by amendment, L. 2003, p. 1007, § 7, effective July 1, 2003.)
(f) “Subsequent order” means an order which amends, modifies, supplements, or supersedes a protection order.
(a) There is hereby created in the bureau a computerized central registry of protection orders which shall be accessible to any state law enforcement agency or to any local law enforcement agency having a terminal which communicates with the bureau. The central registry computers shall communicate with computers operated by the state judicial department.
(b) Protection orders and subsequent orders shall be entered into the registry by the clerk of the court issuing the protection order; except that orders issued pursuant to sections 18-1-1001 and 19-2-707, C.R.S., shall be entered into the registry only at the discretion of the court or upon motion of the district attorney. The clerk of the court issuing the protection order shall be responsible for updating the registry electronically in a timely manner to ensure the notice is as complete and accurate as is reasonably possible with regard to the information specified in subsection (3) of this section.
(c) The restrained person’s attorney, if present at the time the protection order or subsequent order is issued, shall notify the restrained person of the contents of such order if the restrained person was absent when such order was issued.
(d) Protection orders and subsequent orders shall be placed in the registry not later than twenty-four hours after they have been issued; except that, if the court issuing the protection order or subsequent order specifies that it be placed in the registry immediately, such order shall be placed in the registry immediately.
(e) Upon reaching the expiration date of a protection order or subsequent order, if any, the bureau shall note the termination in the registry.
(f) In the event the protection order or subsequent order does not have a termination date, the clerk of the issuing court shall be responsible for noting the termination of the protection order or subsequent order in the registry.
(a) In addition to any information, notice, or warning required by law, a protection order or subsequent order entered into the registry shall contain the following information, if such information is available:
(I) The name, date of birth, sex, and physical description of the restrained person to the extent known;
(II) The date the order was issued and the effective date of the order if such date is different from the date the order was issued;
(III) The names of the protected persons and their dates of birth;
(IV) If the protection order is one prohibiting the restrained person from entering in, remaining upon, or coming within a specified distance of certain premises, the address of the premises and the distance limitation;
(V) The expiration date of the protection order, if any;
(VI) Whether the restrained person has been served with the protection order and, if so, the date and time of service;
(VII) The amount of bail and any conditions of bond which the court has set in the event the restrained person has violated a protection order; and
(VIII) An indication whether the conditions of the protection order are also conditions of a bail bond for a felony charge.
(b) If available, the protection order or subsequent order shall contain the fingerprint-based state identification number issued by the bureau to the restrained person.

§ 18-6-803.8. Foreign protection orders. (Repealed)

Source: L. 98: Entire section added, p. 1233, § 5, effective July 1. L. 2003: (4) amended, p. 1009, § 8, effective July 1. L. 2004: Entire section repealed, p. 554, § 5, effective July 1.

§ 18-6-803.9. Assaults and deaths related to domestic violence - report

Notwithstanding section 24-1-136 (11)(a)(I), the Colorado bureau of investigation shall prepare a report by November 1, 1995, and by November 1 of each year thereafter, for the governor and the members of the general assembly on the number of assaults related to and the number of deaths caused directly by domestic violence, including, but not limited to, homicides of victims, self-defense killings of alleged perpetrators, and incidental killings of children, peace officers, persons at work, neighbors, and bystanders in the course of episodes of domestic violence.

§ 18-6-804. Repeal of part. (Repealed)

Source: L. 88: Entire part added, p. 734, § 1, effective July 1. L. 91: Entire section amended, p. 399, § 1, effective March 27. L. 95: Entire section repealed, p. 569, § 9, effective July 1; entire section repealed, p. 1254, § 13, effective July 1.

§ 18-6-805. Repeal of sections. (Repealed)

Source: L. 95: Entire section added, p. 569, § 10, effective July 1. L. 96: (1) amended, p. 1470, § 12, effective June 1. L. 98: Entire section amended, p. 771, § 1, effective May 22. L. 99: (1) amended, p. 623, § 20, effective August 4. L. 2000: Entire section repealed, p. 914, § 5, effective July 1.

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